Every Saturday TheChampagneSommelier will ask 5 questions about 5 coeur de bouteilles to friends and Champagne lovers from near and far. This week we took a bubbly chat with New Zealand born Champagne lover Melanie Brown, owner of restaurant and wine bar The Laundry in Brixton . . Merci Melanie !
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Melanie Brown
Brown is the founder of UK-based New Zealand wine purveyor, importer and distributor Specialist Cellars, and owner of restaurant and wine bar The Laundry in Brixton. New Zealand born Brown moved to London in 2005, and quickly began work in Peter Gordon’s acclaimed kitchen at The Providores and Tapa Room, Marylebone. She trained as a chef, going on to work at Jamie Oliver’s Fifteen and Vinoteca. Brown then headed up The Providores’ wine list and was instrumental in moving the wine offering to 100% New Zealand, the first of its kind in the UK. After launching a hugely successful crowdfunding campaign in 2015, Specialist Cellars set up shop (and bar) at Pop Brixton and her collection was brought to life.
[follow Malanie on Instagram here]
Which Champagne would You treat your parents or in-laws?
‘Krug Grande Cuvée Brut Champagne, for its undeniably traditional presence.’
Which Champagne would You treat your lover?
‘Pol Roger Winston Churchill, just because of its seductive nature and prestige.’
Which Champagne would You treat your boss?
‘Ruinart Blanc de Blancs, sleek, delicate and professional… ‘
Which Champagne would You treat yourself?
‘Dom Perignon Rosé, its playful stylish nature seduces me!’
Which Champagne would You treat a dream guest, and why?
‘Dream guest, always Anthony Bordain and only a bottle of 1921 Dom Perignon – an untouchable wine (the first vintage ever produced) with one of the most influential food + wine personas in my lifetime.’
Melanie Brown
[ what piece of music would you listen to drinking wine with Your dream guest ?]
‘Ludivico Einuadi, nuvole bianche.’