By far the best white asparagus is called Schwetzinger Meisterschuss. It is the dominant variety in Germany and has made white German asparagus world famous. There are several varieties of white asparagus as well as there are different green varieties. The green soft-shelled asparagus we have here at home has a beautiful deep green color, gives a high yield and is frost-resistant, while the Schwetzinger Meisterschuss requires high heat and is sensitive to frost.

schwetzinger meisterschuss
asparagus officinalis liliaceae
Asparagus is generally overrated as an enemy to the wine. I know lots of ingredients that are much harder to combine wine to. Most Champagnes can handle asparagus in any form. I had the opportunity to buy Swedish white asparagus last year, from a farm in Österlen, which was absolutely fabulous. In terms of time this year, we can probably count on the beginning of June and not so strange considering this year’s cold and tenacious spring. In a normal year, the harvest of Swedish asparagus begins in May. The season is oh so short, May-June. Here I must emphasize the white asparagus in front of the green. In Sweden, asparagus is grown by about 30 growers, mainly green asparagus on Österlen in Skåne and on Öland. On Gotland, most green asparagus is also grown, but there is also a small cultivation of the white one. The German asparagus tradition is as strong as the crayfish tradition here at home in Sweden.
THE PRIMADONNA By far the best white asparagus is called Schwetzinger Meisterschuss. It is the dominant variety in Germany and has made white German asparagus world famous. There are several varieties of white asparagus as well as there are different green varieties. The green soft-shell asparagus we have here at home has a beautiful deep green color, gives high yields and is frost-resistant, while the Schwetzinger Meisterschuss requires high heat and is sensitive to frost.
STORAGE OF ASPARAGUS Asparagus is a fresh product. It should be purchased as freshly harvested as possible. This is best seen on the healthy cut surface and on the elasticity of the stems. With the right handling, it can last a maximum of a couple of days in the refrigerator. Wrap the unwashed stems, but not the buds, in damp kitchen paper and store them standing in the refrigerator.
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