
Premiere – ’07 Comtes de Champagne

Picture of Björnstierne Antonsson

Björnstierne Antonsson

Premiere for the new kid – 2007 Taittinger ’Comtes de Champagne Rosé’. It was great meeting up with friends & colleagues in the fine wine industri over a glass of Comtes de Champagne Rosé @ Lydmar Hotel for this preimere.

Champagne Taittinger is among the absolute oldest houses in Champagne, and while the history is long and rich, the production is nevertheless among Champagne’s more exclusive.

I have always loved rosé champagne and it has always been my choice as a sports drink and unbeatable with its consistent color changes at sunset. Countless are the occasions myself and my closest have searched for an alpine slope or a sea cliff with a well-chilled prestige bottle and fascinated seeing the sun go down through the glass. At the end of the scenery, when the gas globe is fire-colored, the champagne burns and the persistent bubbles sparkle with a golden energy that creates more euphoria than any other visual impression in the wine world.

2007 Tattinger ’Comtes de Champagne Rosé’ 

Swedish importer: Wine Affair Scandinavia AB | pris: 1,795sek | 70PN 30CH

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