
Jacquesson @ Brasserie Bobonne

Picture of Björnstierne Antonsson

Björnstierne Antonsson

Once a year Me & Richard have the pleasure to taste champagnes with one of my heros in the Champagneindustry, Jean-Hervé Chicquet. J-H came to Stockholm and arranged a tasting with their Swedish importer Vinovum at Brasseri Bobonne. A bistro that I have mentioned earlier for thier exellent food & wine matching skills!

irst time I tasted the single vineyard-champagnes from Jacquesson in a larger setting was in october 2011 at Pubologi when the 2002 vintage release ot Corne Bautray, Champ Caïn & Vauzelle Terme. What a spectacular debute of theese wines …

‘We don’t produce, non-vintage, vintage or cuvée préstige champagnes any more.’

Jean-Hervé Chicquet

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