
Crêpes Vonnassiennes à la Mikael Einarsson

Picture of Björnstierne Antonsson

Björnstierne Antonsson

For me C & C – Champagne & Caviar is one of life’s great treats! Nothing beats the elegance of crispy freshness & complexity of a great bottle of Champagne in one hand & finger food with premium black caviar in the other. Imagine how You bite in the caviar and they pop like small taste explosions between Your teeth … sensual & complex at the same time !

The sea and love goddess Aphrodite stands for love, passion and health. This makes caviar and seafood the ideal choice for loving couples!

Caviar is fresh, rich in vitamins and contains few calories. In Russia, caviar has been a well-known medicine for centuries and many believe that increased consumption of caviar gives a longer lifespan. The sturgeon in one of the oldest of all the vertebrates on earth.

Chef & friend Mikael Einarsson is one of the greatest chefs in Sweden. He loves to contemporary cooking but also has a firm foot in the gastronomical classics. Here’ one of his classics.

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