During our work with the new epic book – Champagne Magnum Opus – we’ve asked our champagne producing friends to dig deep into their archives to find old records & photos. Here You’ll find some fantastic photos from Barnaut in Bouzy.

The property was founded in 1874 and covers eighteen hectares mainly in Bouzy. Philippe Secondé is always the last in the village to harvest his grapes and he handpicks the ripest. The wines are stored for at least five years before being put up for sale. The first prestige Champagne, Cuvée Edmond, was produced for the company’s 125th anniversary. It contains a splash of Pinot Meunier from the Marne Valley, which Philippe bartered for. The wines are excellently roasted, in fact practically gunpowder-stained, and they have never been better than they are now. The whole portfolio keeps up the same style.

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